Thursday, September 3, 2020

Planning for Demolition of Building

Making arrangements for Demolition of Building Recognize a neglected structure and considering components, for example, its past use, condition, basic highlights and area, set up an arrangement for the sheltered destruction of the structure that distinguishes the favored strategy for destruction and diagrams reasonable specialized and procedural control measures. The goals of this report are to distinguish an abandoned structure and plan its destruction. The arranging needs to assess the specificities of the structures structure, its past use, the site, the neighboring properties and different boundaries. Control measures from a wellbeing and security perspective must be incorporated. The structure distinguished is an old Victorian three-story fabricating that has not been utilized for a long time. The procedure comprises of breaking down the current structure and abutting properties. A point by point portrayal of the structure has been given and the destruction succession has been picked as per the structure and in a manner to make insignificant interruption different properties and the overall population. The real destruction plan is given as a rundown of assignments and a concise clarification for each undertaking. The destruction procedure has been isolated into basic stages. The control measures have been consolidated in the arrangement of the destruction yet a wellbeing and danger appraisal has been done that rundowns the potential perils from such a work. 1Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The Derelict Building 1.1Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Structures to be Demolished This three story Victorian structure is one of three structures in a similar exacerbate that used to house an old emergency clinic on the site.The other two are likewise not being used and there are plans to annihilate them also yet sometime in the future. The Victorian structure is a segregated three story building situated halfway on the site with a shed utilized as kettle house on one side.Access is from the south side where the structure is around 10 m from the street. The Boiler House is set toward the north of the structure yet is disengaged from the primary structure. It comprises of one tall stone structure with connected oil and water tanks. There is a system of underground funnels between the evaporator house and the Victorian structures for the flexibly of high temp water for residential and warming purposes. As most Victorian structures of that size, these structures have certain attributes that recognize them from different structures. The structure development is of stone work. The heap bearing dividers are made of two lines of block with no hole in the middle. These outside dividers rise undisrupted to the rooftop. The rooftop comprises of square wood rafters sitting on a lumber ring pillar on the dividers. The rafters bolster an arrangement if rectangular lumber purlins that thus bolster the record tiles that structure the rooftop. The edges are fixed by pounded lead foils. The inward floors are comprised of lumber joists bolstered by stone sections off the block dividers. A lattice of lumber pillars are bolstered off the joists and wooden boards are nailed to the highest point of the wood bars. The parcel dividers comprise of put lumber outlines. The structures likewise comprise of storm cellar that have been fixed quite a long while prior however has not been filled. There is no protection on the dividers and rooftop and there is no cooling introduced in the structure. The main administrations are the hot and cold water pipes, seepage funnels and electric wiring. The water pipes date from the first development and are of lead. The clean waste funnels likewise date from unique and comprise of 5 cast iron channels and fittings fixed with bitumen. The electric wiring has been introduced a lot later and has been fixed to the wood joists by methods for nailed cuts. The evaporator house is a stone structure with creased iron sheet rooftop. It contains a coal-terminated heater that is out of activity. The kettle is associated with the Victorian structures by means of underground funnels to gracefully heated water. The Boiler House likewise contains countless funnel work and fittings just as a coal pit. 1.2Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Adjacent Land Use The site is arranged between two primary streets on the South andEast sides and two B-class streets on the North and West sides. The site imparts a limit to a much more current development utilized as NHS facility which will stay being used during the destruction. The site is encircled totally with 2.5 m tall stone work dividers aside from on the south side. The south side is cordoned by fashioned iron fencing. There is no divider between the parking area of the center and the compound. 1.3Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Ground Conditions Ground examinations were done on tests of the south of the site during the development of a portion of the more up to date structures. The examination results are accessible from the gathering. Since no new development is being attempted in this venture, ground data is esteemed to be superfluous. 2Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Description of Works 2.1Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Methodology 2.1.1Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Survey Since the structure has not been being used for a noteworthy timeframe, its careful state isn't known even to the customer. So the main thing to be done is a full auxiliary review of the structure to survey the risk from risky material and to settle on the best technique for doing the work. This should be done as ahead of schedule as the delicate stage as the data from this study will be basic for the remainder of the work. Prior to the beginning of the destruction, a full scale destruction overview should be finished. This should assess the following(Holroyd, 1999): Bordering properties The sort of structure and the key components in it. The state of the components. Any necessity for brief works or organizing during destruction. Are there any restricted spaces. Are there perils from asbestos, lead, sullied land, and so forth? Is access and departure sufficient? 2.1.2Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Preferred Method The destruction can be conveyed in various manners however given the vicinity of different properties, for example, the NHS square and principle streets, the destruction ought to be done in a manner as to limit interruption to the area and furthermore to cause least commotion level. The destruction ought to be intended to be completed in a controlled way start to finish, de-developing the parts in the converse request of unique development. Destruction balls will be utilized distinctly if all else fails and no hazardous will be utilized. 2.1.3Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Method Statement A strategy articulation should be set up before the activity begins and should cover (Holroyd, 1999): The succession and technique for destruction taking note of access/departure subtleties. Pre-debilitating subtleties of the structure Faculty security, including the overall population Administration evacuation/make safe Administrations to be given Combustible issues Dangerous substances The utilization of transport and waste expulsion Personality of individuals with control obligations. 3Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Particulars of Work 3.1Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Phase 1: Planning Before the destruction begins, cautious arranging is required to guarantee smooth tasks. It additionally permits issues to be distinguished at a beginning time. The expense of medicinal activity at the arranging stage is fundamentally not as much as that at the destruction stage. Along these lines, assignment of time and exertion to cautious and careful arranging is significant. 3.2Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Phase 2: Site Preparation Once on location, the destruction can't begin right away. There is a great deal of work that should be done to make the destruction work possible.Several preventive measures and control measures must be set up directly toward the beginning. It is less expensive and better than to apply medicinal activity when things turn out badly. The arranging stage more likely than not distinguished the zones that need consideration and the control quantifies that are required. The procedures engaged with the real destruction are site explicit and site arrangements must be done in like manner. Great site planning additionally permits negligible disturbance to the area. 3.3Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Phase 3: Demolition of Boiler House From the hazard appraisal, obviously the evaporator house, albeit a lot littler in size that the fundamental structure, speaks to a more prominent wellbeing danger to the site laborers as it contains asbestos, oil tanks, water tanks and a great deal of funnel work. To decrease the introduction of the faculty to such dangers, it has been chosen to destroy and make safe the kettle house first before beginning with the fundamental structure. 3.4Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Phase 4: Demolition of Main Building The principle building will be destroyed physically beyond what many would consider possible. So as to contain the commotion and air contamination however much as could reasonably be expected, the outside dividers and rooftop will be kept up until the whole inside has been wrecked. The inside allotments don't add to the basic quality and dependability of the structure and it is consequently protected to obliterate them. The floors do give some horizontal security to the dividers and won't be expelled until an elective impermanent help isn't given to the dividers. 3.5Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Phase 5: Site Reinstatement After the destruction is finished, the site must be freed from outstanding flotsam and jetsam and decommissioning of site workplaces and different offices introduced with the end goal of the site. The site workplaces and government assistance offices will be expelled. The condition of remaining sullying must be surveyed and if any therapeutic move should be made, it ought to be finished. The finishing ought to be restored. At long last, the fencing and screens will be expelled and the site gave over. 3.6Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Other Elements The Principal Contractor ought to likewise know about the accompanying: Traffic Management, an expanded mindfulness is required for traffic control to and from the site from the South and East sides. The South side advertisement

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Speech Analysis of Richard Nixons First Inaugural Address Essay Example

Discourse Analysis of Richard Nixons First Inaugural Address Paper Discourse Analysis of Richard Nixon’s First Inaugural Address 1: The correspondence was a discourse conveyed at the White House for Nixon’s presidential initiation. 2: January twentieth, 1969. 3: Richard Nixon, President of the United States 4: The crowd was the American individuals and different countries that had a relationship with the United States. 5: â€Å"The most prominent respect history can give is the title of peacemaker. This respect currently coaxes Americathe opportunity to help lead the world finally out of the valley of strife, and onto that high ground of harmony that man has longed for since the beginning of human advancement. On the off chance that we succeed, ages to come will say of us currently living that we aced our second, that we helped make the world safe for humankind. This is our request to enormity. I accept the American individuals are prepared to answer this call. † Nixon’s debut discourse featured consummation the Vietnam war and shutting the Cold War so as to make the world a progressively secure spot. This discourse opened Nixon’s administration just as opened his international strategy and objectives for his organization. : The significance of this discourse is that it shows what Nixon’s beliefs were for the country, that he concentrated on grandiose objectives that were obviously affected by Cold War time thinking and the Vietnam war. The discourse additionally depicts Nixon’s aptitudes as a government official and somebody who knew about the nation’s concerns and realized how to settle those worries. It likewise followed the custom of debut addre sses of promising a ton of things and being motivating and confident. : It was composed to open Nixon’s administration, and to establish the pace for his residency just as the heading the United States would take concerning outside relations. 8: A great deal of the United States’ concerns were associated with Vietnam and completion the disliked war. What's more, it was a prevalent view that administration was playing too enormous of a job in people’s lives, which he tends to when he calls attention to that legislature has gone through more cash and run a bigger number of projects than any other time in recent memory. We will compose a custom article test on Speech Analysis of Richard Nixons First Inaugural Address explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Speech Analysis of Richard Nixons First Inaugural Address explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Speech Analysis of Richard Nixons First Inaugural Address explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer He says that to improve the nation each individual should be included rather than just government administrations. 9: In the whole discourse Nixon implies that consummation the Vietnam war would carry harmony to the world and that national confidence would improve, yet how could finishing one war in one nation improve outside relations so generously? Did he truly believe that closure the war in Vietnam would make the world discernibly progressively quiet, or did he mean only the United States and Vietnam?

Friday, August 21, 2020

Fish On free essay sample

New angling posts close by, my sister and I jumped energetically to the docks, bounced onto the barge pontoon, and hung tight for our dad. It was a nippy pre-winter morning, and we were going looking just because. Our dad began the pontoon and the low sputter of the motor resounded through the inlet and the stinging smell of fuel penetrated my noses. The propeller blended the water and I watched the waves crash into the side of the dock. Father followed the shoreline until we found a segregated inlet. I opened the fishing supply container, uncovering a scramble of snares, plastic fish, and line. My sister, Jamie, and I scavenged through to select the most engaging trap. I picked a red and purple jam worm that shimmered. Entertained, I extended it, squirmed it around and gazed at the a large number of little shimmers inserted under its skin. Much to my dismay, this would be the most fervor I would have for some time. We will compose a custom exposition test on Fish On or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page With the assistance of our dad, Jamie and I cast our lines into the dim water and paused. My eyes looked for the air pockets that would connote fish. I was certain that any moment I would feel a pull. Minutes passed. Nothing. I chose the fish just hadn’t saw my tantalizing lure. I likewise guaranteed myself that the fish weren’t insightful enough to realize the worm was phony. The fish just weren’t gnawing. I cast my line and brought it in over and over. I felt like a robot. Exhausted, I looked at my dad, who had positioned himself at the rear of the pontoon. As I watched him change his lure for what appeared the trillionth time, I couldn’t help yet smile. He was truly into the subject of angling however wasn’t having any preferable karma over we were. Concentrating on my line, I proceeded with my cast-and-reel cycle. The minutes spent like days and I started to think about whether there were even any fish in the lake. Abandoning lure, Jamie and I chose to utilize bobbers, the sluggish method to angle. Following a half hour of gazing at our bobbers, we surrendered totally and went around the pontoon, frightening off any fish. At that point we argued to return to shore, yet Dad overlooked us. In the end, he understood that his endeavors were an exercise in futility, and we headed back. At the dock, our dad went to the marina to visit with a companion. Jamie and I tossed sticks and shakes into the lake, enjoying devastating the shiny surface. Out of nowhere, we saw an alternate development and strolled over to research it. It was a school of fish. Defeat with energy, we snatched our posts; those fish were on a par with got. My sister and I understood we had no clue how to fix our shafts. Where was our dad when we required him? The plain snares would need to get the job done. Recognizing our cooler, I yanked open the top and got a wiener. Fish will undoubtedly like sausages! As quick we could, my sister and I stuck on pieces of meat and dropped our lines into the water directly beneath us. The fish started swimming around our trap, taking little pecks. The more they snacked at the wieners, the more energized we became. Unexpectedly, my sister cried, â€Å"I’ve got one!† She yanked her shaft out and we expanded at the fish swinging noticeable all around. A couple of moments later, I was frightened to feel a sharp pull on my line. I had gotten a fish, as well. We shouted for our dad, who expelled the fish and permitted us to look at the critters before delicately hurling them back. Jamie and I were next to ourselves with joy. How could it be that we had gone through hours on the lake with costly rigging and not got a thing, yet here on the dock we were getting fish with wieners and snares? In the case of nothing else, I have this thought from that day: here and there the simplest arrangement is the best. In light of four years of secondary school, I have discovered that it truly is simpler and less distressing to separate things and take a gander at them in their most fundamental state. Costly apparatuses aren’t consistently of the best quality, similarly as the most mind boggling arrangements aren’t consistently the best. You don’t need to compose your school paper with complex jargon to guarantee acknowledgment. Henry David Thoreau put it best: â€Å"Simplicity, straightforwardness, let your issues be nevertheless a few .†

Monday, June 8, 2020

Describe Gender Inequality And Types Of Feminism - 4125 Words

Describe Gender Inequality And Types Of Feminism (Research Paper Sample) Content: Feminism TheoryStudents NameInstitutional AffiliationFeminism TheoryGender InequalityIntroductionThe core aspect of the feminism theory is based on the idea that women and men should have equal rights when it comes to economic, social and political matters. Theorists suggest that feminism theory is a prerequisite for coming up with effective strategies meant to liberate on women. The theory attempts to comprehensively develop account of subordination, its origin, and supposes essence. Furthermore, feminism theory identifies the main causes of subordination of women.Feminism theory attempts to elaborate oppression on women, explain causes and consequences, and come up with strategies on how women can liberate themselves (Bendl Schmidt, 2012). According to Jane Flax in his book Women Do Theory, he suggests feminism theory is analytic and systematic approach to everyday experience. Flax believes that everyone does the approach unconsciously and if we theorize it, we bri ng the unconscious to conscious level making it to be developed and refined.Feminist theory has several function such as to make us understand the power variation between women and men, comprehend womens oppression such as how it started, how it transitioned over time, and how it relates to different forms of oppression. It may also serve the purpose of overcoming oppression directed towards women. Feminism is related to action that human being undertake. Feminism forms the basis and foundation of action and hence it cannot be neutral in anyway. Feminism theory attempts to change oppressive structures and link concrete ideas with concrete difficulties for political action (Connell, 2011).In the book, Tapestries of Life suggests for a bottom up approach that looks deep into meanings that can be found in womens live depending on the activities they engage in on a daily basis. Moreover, connecting and discovering such meanings will enable feminists to come up with a map of womens reali ty from their own point of view, which is called womens point of view. Some feminist theorists believes that lives of women are dispersed, fragmented and episodic and depends on events that are outside the control of women. She puts more focus on daily lives of women, meaning they invent daily and over time develop patterns that can be tracked.Feminism is also defined as a fight to end oppression that has to do with sex that is sexism (Connell, 2011). In other words, it is a struggle that is necessary to suppress ideology of domination that is within the western culture on a variety of levels and commitment to organize again society so that peoples self-development can take precedence over economic expansion, over-imperialism, and material desires.The main goal of feminists is to do the analysis on gender, that is, how we think, how gender is constituted among others. Gender study includes but not limited to what we frequently considered the feminist issues that are instinctive, wom en situation and male domination analysis since in contemporary western societies, and relations on gender have been dominance (Powell, 2013). Feminism theories explore and cover aspects of societies especially those that have been unarticulated, suppressed or those that are denied viewpoints within a male-dominated society.Some feminist theorists believes that for any viewpoint to qualify to be called feminism theory, it must acknowledge that women have been unjustly treated, oppressed, and the society needs to do something about it. Feminism in this scenario is perceived as a response that over the last decades, women have been subjected to resources that build critique destructive situations and destroying of social relationship and institutions and coming up with links between subordination of women to men. The tension witnessed when it comes to feminist thinking clearly reflect the tensions in lives of women, the varied, and transitional nature on how women experience.Some femi nism theorists argue that feminism cultural criticism does not empower people to rise above their own culture nor become feminists ideals martyrs and at no time is a blue print when it comes personal conduct in ones life. Feminism does not tell an individual what to do, but rather its goal is comprehending and edification, showing conscious of power and complexity.Feminism theory tries to incline on plight of women in society who for so long have been neglected and their role was to be submissive to men. Gender inequality in the past decades was practiced by all communities globally and until now, absolute equality has not been achieved in many countries. This paper examines the plight of women in society, how gender disparity has influenced their thinking and how the society views them now. The paper then relates on how issues to do with gender relates to the theory of feminism and how feminism impacts on nature.The DiversityThe Diversity of Feminist Thought (types of feminism)Libe ral FeminismLiberal feminism deals with gender equality thus; it puts much emphasis on personhood, for example, individual autonomy, rationality, self-fulfillment, among others and comprehension of human nature. Liberal feminism assumes that gender and sex are neutral, that all people in the society have a common nature. It defines a just society as a society that allows a person to exercise his or her freedom and fully fulfill him or herself. Liberal feminism puts much emphasis on equal chances for everyone so that people can develop moral and rational capacities to achieve personhood (Dziedzic, 2012). It disputes the idea in which the society regards women as inferior beings when it comes to physical and intellectual capability of women as compared to that of men. This aspect makes the true potential of women to go unfulfilled. Liberal feminism insists on women being treated with total equality just like men when it comes to civil rights and education opportunities men enjoy. Ther efore women liberalization involves freeing women from things to do with negative gender aspects such as gender and sexual inequality. The main disadvantage of liberal feminism is its acceptance of values of men as universal values, and does not analyze sexuality or class.Marxist FeminismMarxist feminism was developed by Marx and Engles who were philosophers. Its main key concept revolves around wealth, class and capitalism. The main claim is that the oppression of women is due to capitalism, for instance, introduction of private property. It advocates that the capitalistic system should be replaced by socialist system where means of production only belong to one and all. Marxist feminism lays much emphasis on our social nature since it forms our social existence which in return determines our own consciousness. When dealing with economic factors, Marxist feminism perceives women to be an economic class that is distinctive, rather than as persons, discussing the connection between s elf-image of women together with their work status. Capitalism is seen as a mean of perpetuating womens subordination by making them to be dependent on men (Dziedzic, 2012). The main problem of Marxist feminism is blocking the contrast between different distinct economic classes of women and men and its shortfall in making room for issues that are unrelated to functions of work and nature.Radical FeminismRadical feminism has to do with lens of gender or sex and sexuality. It was influenced by progressive movements and social nature of the 1960s. The key concepts involved in radical feminism include hierarchy, power, dominance, sex or gender system, biology, and patriarchy (Powell, 2013). Womens biology is perceived to be related closely to women oppression and sexual violence manifestation. The basis of this theory has to do with female biology conception, probably, androgyny, separatism and recovery of female nature that is authentic.The main insight of radical feminism is based on the influences of sex, distinction of gender, and structure on aspects of lives. Gender forms unquestioned framework on how we interpret and perceive the world. It refers to women as a class that is defined by gender or sex system rather than an economic class. It suggests that the root of oppression is sexuality as women are viewed as lesser beings. What radical feminists focuses on is the womens subordination making it the main primary concern , disclosing how the power of men is reinforced and exercised through harmful practices such as rape, sexual harassment, prostitution, pornography among others. Radical feminism has celebrated womanhood in response to entire domination of women by men.Psychoanalytic FeminismPsychoanalytic feminism has to do with lens of psyche. It revolves around psychoanalytic movement and Freud. The key concepts of this kind of feminism are on Oedipus complex, sexuality, superego, ego and id. Oppression on women under this theory is tied to the man in which they deal with Oedipus complex. It advocates on recapturing the oedipal stag, altering parenting habits and insights they should have which were structured while they were young(Hollway, 2012).Existentialist FeminismExistentialist feminism has influence on De Beauvoir, Sartre and existentialism. It main key concept is women as other. Here, women are perceived to be oppressed by virtue of otherness, that is, an object that has a meaning that is determined by a woman. Here, a woman, has to be a self and a subject that transcends labels, essences and defin...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Utilization Of Corporal Punishment Essay - 1997 Words

Article 1 Background This article first describes how the utilization of corporal punishment by parents to children has been a point of controversy for centuries. In the study of Larzelere et Al. 1998; McLloyd and Smith 2002; Straus 2001; Turner and Muller 2004 (as cited in Petts Kysar-Moon, 2012), it was found that strict, physical discipline leads to bad results for children such as low views of themselves, problems communicating with others, and worrying tendencies across ages. The findings of Larzelere and Kuhn 2005; Schenk 2000; Straus 2001 (as cited in Petts Kysar-Moon, 2012) reveal that this form of punishment is actually successful because it shows children how to follow the words of their parents. An important feature this article mentions is how aspects of this sort of discipline differ based off of a culture parents are in. For instance, depending on their culture, parents may not use spanking or other corporal punishment on their child(ren). This also means that since corporal punishment may be more prevalent among certain groups more so than others, the results of effectiveness will fluctuate. According to the study of Bartkowski and Ellison 1995; Ellison et al. 1996; Ellison and Sherkat 1993a (as cited in Petts Kysar-Moon, 2012), a plethora of findings exists that have discovered that, in particular, conservative Protestants tend to back and also incorporate spanking, beating, etc. when it comes to parenting children. Ellison et Al. 2011Show MoreRelatedCorporal Punishment Is Defined As The Utilization Of Physical Force1459 Words   |  6 PagesThe term corporal punishment is defined as the utilization of physical force with the intention of causing a child to experience pain, yet not harm, for the purpose of correction or control of the child’s behavior. Seven nations Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Austria, Italy and Cyprus-have laws making it illicit for parents to utilize physical discipline on their children. Corporal punishment in schools has been banned in every one of the nations in Europe, South and Central America, China andRead MoreFactors That Influence Middle School Parent s Decision1303 Words   |  6 Pagesthis century a global tendency to abolish corporal punishment have been introduced to challenge old dependence on corporal punishment as a tool for reforming children’s misbehavior, according to Global Report (2008). According to Straus (2001) Corporal punishment is defined as â€Å"the use of physical force with the intentions of causing a child to experience pain, but not injury, for the purpose of this control of the child’s behavior†, corporal punishment was almost universally approved of and usedRead MoreCorporal Punishment Should Be Banned1459 Words   |  6 Pagescourse, it is no surprise that corporal punishment against school going children is one of the most controversial topics throughout the globe, including within political, academic, and general public debates at large. 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Psychology teaches that there are four methods to either learning, or to morph an expected conduct into a routine way of acting; positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, extinction, and punishment. Positive reinforcement is adding something to a situation in order to create an increased response. (CITATION) â€Å"The most common types of positive reinforcement are praise and rewards...† (CITATION) â€Å"Negative reinforcement is taking something negativeRead MoreChild Abuse And Neglect Of Children1291 Words   |  6 PagesDeliberately causing a physical significant harm. This may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, punching, slapping or kicking. Sometimes it is argued that corporal punishment could be a justifiable means of discipline that helps in controlling a child, but serious bodily harm cannot be justified on the grounds that it constitutes reasonable punishment (Corby, 2006: 89). Emotional abuse: The persistent emotional ill-treatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the childRead MoreBlack Men In The Prison System Essay1792 Words   |  8 Pagesor negative, even the simplest task is meaningless. Psychology teaches that there are four methods to either learning, or to morph an expected conduct into a routine way of acting; positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, extinction, and punishment. Positive reinforcement is adding something to a situation in order to create an increased response. (CITATION) â€Å"The most common types of positive reinforcement are praise and rewards...† (CITATION) â€Å"Negative reinforcement is taking something negativeRead MoreBruno Bettelheim s `` Punishment Versus Discipline ``1910 Words   |  8 Pageshow his ideas help schools to deal with the problem of bullying. Bettelheim’s article â€Å"Punishment Versus Discipline† analyzes the toll that punishment has on children. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The, And Inferno, By Dante Alighieri - 950 Words

Beowulf, written by an anonymous author, and Inferno, written by Dante Alighieri, are very different from each other, but are both affected by translation in the same way. This can be demonstrated by looking at different interpretations of each story. Mark Musa and John Ciardi’s translations of Canto I of Inferno show not only the obvious differences in word choice, but also different takes on what certain parts of the text mean, and the same thing happens with Seamus Heaney and Burton Raffel’s translations of Beowulf, such as in the scene where Beowulf and Grendel fight. One of the first noticeable differences in the translations of Inferno is the rhyme scheme, or, in Musa’s case, the lack of it. Inferno, in its original text, was written in terza rima. Terza rima, which was created by Dante himself, is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as â€Å"an Italian form of iambic verse, consisting of sets of three lines, the middle line of each set rhyming with t he first and last of the succeeding (a b a, b c b, c d c, etc.).† Neither Musa nor Ciardi write their versions of the story in this form, but Ciardi comes the closest. He does use sets of three lines, and the first and last lines of each set do rhyme with each other, but the middle line doesn’t rhyme with the first and last lines of the following set. Musa, on the other hand, uses no rhyme scheme, but still keeps the three-line stanzas. Ciardi’s choice of rhyme comes from a desire to stay as true to the original form ofShow MoreRelatedThe Inferno Of Dante Alighieri1647 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"The Inferno of Dante Alighieri† translated by Ciaran Carson, originally written by Dante himself is a classical piece of literature. It is the first part of Dante’s three part epic poem entitled, â€Å"The Divine Comedy†. â€Å"The Inferno of Dante Alighieri† transports the reader into a gradual ride, going from an familiar and earthly land, t o descending the depths of Hell in the search of salvation. The imagery conjured up while reading this book is plentiful as Dante’s writing is impeccable. NaturallyRead MoreThe Inferno By Dante Alighieri1367 Words   |  6 PagesDante Alighieri must have been an extremely strict and lecture-loving parent. In the first part of his collection, The Inferno, Alighieri filled his story with subliminal messages within the text to teach a greater lesson to the reader. Dante Alighieri purposefully chooses specific moments to express humankind’s weakness and how human reason can positively influence people to react in the correct manner in the eyes of God. Through the interaction of two of his main characters, Dante, who representsRead MoreThe Inferno By Dante Alighieri1617 Words   |  7 PagesInferno by Dante Alighieri is beautifully woven to reflect the realities or unrealities of the time. The various circles of hell are used by the Florentine writer Dante, to tell the t ale in a structured and elaborate manner, with the use of nine circles of the Inferno (Havely, 374). Interesting, however, is the manner in which Dante describes the characters, as they are seen to be facing tragedies in their life in hell. The author of this medieval text categorizes the different types of sins thatRead MoreAnalysis Of Inferno By Dante Alighieri1583 Words   |  7 PagesInferno, written by Dante Alighieri illustrates the idea of justice through the belief that with each action arise a consequence. What you sin above ground, you deal with under. Through this he gives examples of the sins done and the punishment that is inflicted from doing such thing as a disgrace to God. All through Dantes imagination and his views as to how it should be done, there is a punishment for each area of sin committed which is why a person who bribes will be in the further in the levelRead MoreDante Alighieri s The Inferno Essay1311 Words   |  6 PagesDante Alighieri’s, The Inferno, is autobiographical account of his journey through hell. This story is the first part of a larger account known as The Divine Comedy. Dante wrote this passage during the Late Middle Ages, a time in Europe where the Christian faith was a central influence in life. His story describes what life after death was like for those who had sinned here on Earth. Dante Alighieri used The Inferno to teach both people then and now about the horrors of afterlife for those who wentRead MoreThe Classic Inferno By Dante Alighieri1228 Words   |  5 Pages  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The classic Inferno by Dante Alighieri is beautifully woven to reflect the realities or unrealities of the time. The various circles of hell are used by the writer to tell the tale in a free-flowing manner (Havely, 98). Interesting, however, is the manner in which he describes the characters such that they are seen to be facing tragedies in their life in hell. The writer categorizes the different types of s ins that people can commit and subjects the characters to various punishments, eachRead MoreInferno by Dante Alighieri Essays1549 Words   |  7 PagesIn Dante’s Inferno, Dante creates inventive imagery between ones sin and the punishment they would receive in Hell. One of the main themes that Dante uses in the book is allegory, or how the punishment fits the sin. This theme illustrates what happens to people who sin on earth. In this theme Dante created a hell that had nine levels, each worse than the first. Starting with a lesser heaven and ending with the icy cold ninth circle, where Lucifer resides. In each circle, sinners are punished accordingRead MoreAnalysis Of Dante Alighieri s Inferno 1556 Words   |  7 Pagesliterary analysis on is Inferno by Dante Alighieri. What was this book about and what message does this particular ancient poem aim to explain? This epic poem was written in the fourteenth century and there were a lot of commentary involved in the story it self. Dante’s Inferno is widely seen as one of the greatest epics to ever grace textbooks. The text itself throughout this story speaks much to the concept of life and death and what the afterlife is like according to Dante and this is an epic thatRead More Canto 18 of The Inferno by Dante Alighieri Essay3791 Words   |  16 PagesCanto 18 of The Inferno by Dante Alighieri It was once said by Marcel Proust that â€Å"We do not receive wisdom, we must discover it for ourselves, after a journey through the wilderness which no one else can make for us, which no one can spare us†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . This journey through the wild to discover wisdom is exactly what transpires in The Inferno by Dante Alighieri. The Inferno is an epic poem that is the first section of a three-part poem called The Divine Comedy. The Inferno is about the narratorRead More Inferno as a Manifestation of the Pain of Dante Alighieri Essay1502 Words   |  7 PagesInferno as a Manifestation of the Pain of Dante Alighieri Dantes Inferno was a great epic poem of the early Renaissance. It was known for its astute commentary on political and religious levels, both deeply woven into the work through allegory. Inferno, written in 1314 by Dante Alighieri, was the first canticle of the Divine Comedy. Dante called it a comedy both because of its happy ending and its style, which lies between that of the tragedy and that of the elegy.(Vossler, 665)

Hong Kong The Special Administrative Region â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Hong Kong The Special Administrative Region? Answer: Introducation In both the standard highlighted in this question, the physical layer highlights the working procedures of the protocols. In essence, this layer will detail the transmission and reception of data frames i.e. the 802.11 frame(tonight, 2017). The first unique item about the 802.11a standard is the use of the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing technique (OFDM) to transmit data. Now, like most other wireless networking technologies, the need to increase the available bandwidth is supported by multiple access techniques that either spread or split common communication channel among many users (signals)(Mitchell, 2017). In its operations, the 802.11a standard uses the PLCP structure (Physical layer convergence procedure) to convert transmitted frames into PLCP data units (PPDU). This unit will consist of the fields such as the MAC layer, preamble, rate and parity value. Moreover, it is attributed with the following characteristics: First, the standard through its physical layer is able to offer a 5 GHz wireless connection. This connection has high data rates of up to 54 Mbps, a critical facility for modern mobile systems that requiHong Kong The Special Administrative Regionre high data rates. Secondly, the multiplexing technique used (OFDM) splits the communication channel into 48 different segments from the original 20 MHz frequency band. Furthermore, on top of the original data rate (54 Mbps), the standard can offer varying rate of either 6, 12 or even 24 Mbps. Finally, different modulation techniques are used in conjunction with the standard depending on the data rates. Therefore, application with 6 Mbps rates will use binary phase shift keying (BPSK) and those of 54Mbps will use quadrature amplitude technique (QAM) (Geier, 802.11a Physical Layer Revealed, 2003). Similar to the IEEE 802.11a standard, the 802.11b offers a wireless alternative to wired networking, where flexibility and mobility are enhanced. This standard defines a working wireless system that supports functionalities within the short range area i.e. 300 meters. Furthermore, its operations require minimal resources which minimizes the cost and power consumption(IEEE, 2007). Now, its physical layer and other related components diversify the structure of the original standard IEEE 802.11, an outcome that increases the functionalities. In all, the following attributes are exhibited in the workings of the physical layer: First, its operation around the world falls within the ISM frequency band category, which ranges between the frequencies of 2.4 GHz and 2.4835 GHz. In some instances, the values can change slightly to 2.471 and 2.497 GHz. Moreover, the operation band is split into 14 subsections of 22 MHz thickness. These subsections overlap during operation which maximizes the space. Furthermore, the chip rate of the electromagnetic interface is usually 11 MHZ, an outcome that supports transmission rates of 1, 2, 5.5 and 11 Mbps. Finally, it uses both spread spectrum multiplexing technique (DSSS) and complementary code keying (CCK) for its operations. DSSS is used for data rates of 1 and 2 Mbps, while CC is used for 5.5 and 11 Mbps rates(Khan, 2013). Highlights: 802.11a 802.11b Freq band: 5 GHz Freq band: 2.4 GHz Data rate: 54 Mbps Data rate: 11 Mbps Modulation techniques: BPSK and QAM Modulation techniques: DSSS and CCK Like most standards seen today, the 802.11i standard is an advancement of an original standard i.e. the 802.11. Now, this general standard (802.11) offers security to wireless systems through data encryption and authentication. In the original protocol, the basic WPA (Wi-Fi protected access) was used to restrict access to wireless LAN. However, as experienced today, this protocol has very many limitations that expose the content used. Therefore, the 802.11i was developed to address these shortcomings by employing the WPA2 protocol. This protocol refined the security standards by increasing the authentication requirements and by supporting its operations using AES encryption (Advanced Encryption Standard)(electronics, 2017). For a client trying to access a server, the standard introduced new access mechanisms including robust security network which uses a four-way handshake. This handshake is completed by a group keying system that uses the extensible authentication protocol (EAP)(eTutorials, 2017). Therefore, the following procedure is followed: The client initiates the access process by sending an EAP message (notification). Its access point also sends an EAP message to identify itself. The client responds an outcome that encrypts its operations to both authenticator and the server. The server challenges the client to prove its identity. Based on the response, the server either accepts or rejects the access request. Finally, if accepted, the access port is transformed into an authorized state (Latour, 2012). Virtual private networks (VPNs) While the internet offers a convenient medium to transfer and exchange data, its also poses many security threats most of which are related to its access. Now, VPNs are industrial responses to this limitation where secure and personalized channels are used to transfer content between two parties across the open channels of the internet(Cisco, 2000). In all, VPNs are encrypted channels that protect transmitted data by restricting those who access them. In their operations, two main methods or types are used; site to site connections and remote access. Site to site connections establishes large-scale connections based on verified encryption methods. These encryptions are implemented between two different points across the internet. Remote access, on the other hand, allows remote parties to access networks such as LANs. VPNs support their operations by using special encryption keys which can be either be publicly shared keys or private keys. These keys are then supported by a wide range of protocols including IPsec which encrypts the networking infrastructure. It is through these structures, that VPNs increases the security and convenience of wireless networks(Infosec, 2008). Application of Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks (WMANs) In this scenario, we highlight the requirement given by the case study at hand, where ZeeTech requires a convenient solution for WMAN connection. In essence, the company requires an optimal technology that will facilitate the services they offer to their clients across a wide geographical area. Furthermore, the solution adopted should meet the companys resource requirement which includes cost, data capacity, installation area and security. In this case, three technologies are considered; HiperMAN, HiperACCESS and the IEEE 802.16 standard (WiMAX) (the preferred choice)(Jain, 2006). HiperMAN Like any other WMAN technology, this standard offers a broadband connection to the supported devices based on the needs of the users. In terms of operational frequency, the technology will offer a frequency range of between 2 GHz and 11 GHz, a range that enhances the functionalities of wireless devices across low frequencies(ETSI, 2009). Furthermore, the standards offer an optimal data rate of about 56.9 Mbit/s, which is averaged at 50 Mbit/s. In addition to these features, HiperMAN also has improved point to multipoint configuration (PMP), an outcome that optimizes the air interface which subsequently facilitates the application of mesh networks. This optimization is also supported by strong security features that are implemented using strong encryption and modulation instances. Finally, its implementation cost is manageable as minimal resources are needed to expand its service quota (QoS) and operation metrics(works, 2017).. HiperACCESS The second alternative to WMAN implementation where broadband services are offered to small to medium-sized systems. HiperACCESS also offers backhaul services and resources where users can benefit from the application of mobile technologies such as GPRS and GSM. Nevertheless, for the consideration of the case study at hand, HiperACCESS offers a high data rate of about 100 Mbit/sec. This rate could easily satisfy the requirements at hand, moreover, this rate is supplemented by high-frequency band applications ranging between 40.5 GHz and 43.5 GHz(ETSI, 2009). These bands offer wider coverage area for services which can increase the users service area. Furthermore, its security features are characterized by advanced access control solutions which protect the data and resources being used. Finally, the cost is amicably low as minimal physical infrastructure are used. However, unlike HiperMAN, this technology requires additional resources to meet the needs of low-frequency networks appli cations(WMICH, 2015). WiMAX (802.16 standards) The most suitable alternative for the ZeeTech operations as it provides a wide range of solutions and resources that are unmatched by the rest. To start with, the standard will combine both the operations of first mile connections with those of the last mile system. This outcome increases the overall service area which is an outlined requirement for the case study at hand. Moreover, its functionalities are facilitated by a convenient bandwidth which has a wide frequency band of either 10 GHz or 66 GHz(Omerovic). Therefore, during its operations, ZeeTech can be able to offer extended services to its customers without the limitations of space. Furthermore, unlike the previous two that either capitalize of low or high-frequency application, the technology at hand incorporates both where low-frequency applications are facilitated by an ability work below the 11 GHz band. Now, to the data rate, 802.16 offers some of the highest rates ranging from 100 Mbit/s to 1 Gbit/s, an outcome that increases its overall operational efficiency. Furthermore, its security features go beyond those of the other technologies combining authentication standards with high-end air encryption. This technology will even offer end to end data encryption which improves data control over the IP system. Finally, the cost, which is convenient based on the services and resources needed(IEEE, 2016). 2G technologies TDMA (Time division multiple access): a wireless communication technique that maximizes the bandwidth of transmission by diversifying and spreading the radio spectrum. This functionality is facilitated by an allocation method that uses time to divide the frequency of transmission. Therefore, a single channel is converted to a multiple access system. Characteristics: Uses time to allocate transmission space. Suitable for both data and voice transmission. Data range between 64 kbps and 120 Mbps. Convenient for analog to digital transmission(point, 2017). CDMA (Code division multiple access): a similar technique to TDMA, however, unlike the time allocation scheme, CDMA uses pseudo codes to transmit signals. Moreover, it is based on the spread spectrum technique, a technique that diversifies resources among many users. Furthermore, it does not allocate space but allows all signal to use the entire radio spectrum but with the necessary identification(point, 2017). Characteristics: Pseudo-codes are used to identify signals. Facilitates the transmission of large volumes of information. Both data and voice can be transmitted. GSM (Global system for mobile communications): a wireless technology that differs slightly from the rest as it designed with digital and cellular objectives. Furthermore, its an open technology that transmits both data and voice based on a circuit switching system. Therefore, a connection must be established before transmission is done. It also splits its communication channel (200 kHz) into 8 different sections which increase its transmission quota. Characteristics: Its a circuit switch technology. Suitable for both data and voice transmission(Education, 2012). References Cisco. (2000). Introduction to VPNs. Extending the Classic WAN, Retrieved 27 September, 2017, from: electronics, R. (2017). IEEE 802.11i Wi-Fi Security: WEP WPA / WPA2. Radio electronics, Retrieved 27 September, 2017, from:" ETSI. (2009). Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN); HIPERACCESS; Packet based Convergence Layer; Part 1. ETSI TS 102 117-1, REtrieved 27 September, 2017, from: eTutorials. (2017). IEEE 802.11i. Retrieved 27 September, 2017, from: Special Administrative Region, Retrieved 27 September, 2017, from: Jain, R. (2006). Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks (WMANs). Washington University in Saint Louis, Retrieved 27 September, 2017, from: Khan, R. (2013). Comparison of IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11b and IEEE 802.11g. Code project, Retrieved 27 September, 2017, from: Mitchell, B. (2017). Wireless Standards 802.11a, 802.11b/g/n, and 802.11ac. Lifewire, Retrieved 27 September, 2017, from: Omerovic, S. (n.d.). WiMax Overview. Retrieved 27 September, 2017, from: tonight, S. (2017). PHYSICAL Layer - OSI Model. COMPUTER NETWORKS, Retrieved 27 September, 2017, from:

Monday, April 20, 2020

The Lost Generation free essay sample

A look at the group of writers, poets and artists who rejected American materialism in post WWI America and relocated to Paris. This paper discusses the group of writers referred to as The Lost Generation, among them Gertrude Stein, who coined the phrase. It examines the commonalities between these writers including their search for meaning, their moves to Paris, and the themes of their writings. The works of Ernest Hemingway, T.S. Elliot, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Gertrude Stein are examined. The name The Lost Generation comes from an epigraph to Ernest Hemingways The Sun Also Rises. In this epigraph, Gertrude Stein wrote you are all a lost generation. This name stuck and refers to a group of writers, poets and artists who left post World War I America and relocated to Paris to live the Bohemian lifestyle (Kaiser). The years following World War I are described as bringing a highly vocal rebellion against established social, sexual, and aesthetic conventions and a vigorous attempt to establish new values (Encyclopedia. We will write a custom essay sample on The Lost Generation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page com). These writers had several things in common including that they searched for meaning, drank excessively, had love affairs, and created some of the finest American literature to date (Kaiser). The Lost Generation also refers to the fact that these writers were culturally lost. Unable to find meaning they moved to Paris to try to find something greater. This is one of the common themes of their writing, with these themes being described as spiritual alienation, self-exile, and cultural criticism (Kaiser).

Sunday, March 15, 2020

How the Beatles influenced America

How the Beatles influenced America Perez 7Gema PerezCara RosenthalWorld History, Period 9May 20, 2014The Beatles' Invasion in AmericaThe 1960's was an era of changing and denying in U.S History. "There has always been a difference in tastes between parents and their children; very often parents do not understand their children's feelings and attitudes. In result, the wealth of material brings the emptiness of spiritual life. The teens saw everything meaningless; they do not want that kind of life" (Fanyi). They sought for a better life than the one their parents passed on to them. However, in the sixties the gulf between these two groups was even wider than it had ever been before. In the world there was a feeling of discontent with the state of society among the young. In their opinion they were consumption-oriented and corrupt. At this time the boundary between mainstream culture and subculture was falling apart.English: Paul McCartney, George Harrison and John ...Music is an exit that gave them a chance to express their thoughts about people, war, government, society and especially Rock music. When The Beatles' arrived in America, they restyled the United States by their use of unique sound, charming appearances, and influence on the youth culture. The group was consisted of John Lennon,[vocals, rhythm guitar] Paul McCartney, [vocals, rhythm guitar] George Harrison, [lead guitar, vocals] and Ringo Starr [drums, vocals, percussion].These fabulous foursome [their nickname] were the most successful Rock band in the 1960's because they became a culture icon to this generation in America and Europe. Their songs fulfilled their spiritual life and had a great impact on the American culture. By understanding how The Beatles' influenced America, the reader comprehends how the development of Rock and Roll music influenced rebellion in youth today.In the 1960s The Beatles' journey started of changing the world...

Friday, February 28, 2020

Restructure of the Global Economy after the Financial Crises Essay

Restructure of the Global Economy after the Financial Crises - Essay Example Kenneth Lay and his team of corrupt executives stole millions of dollars in performance bonuses. He cooked up the books, created fake shell corporations, and misguided the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the general public about the actual state of affairs at Enron. I would ask Kenneth Lay about the start of the pattern of corruption at Enron. Did he ever think that the corruption at his company would get so much out of control? Does he feel any remorse for destroying the value of Enron from $90 a stock to less $1? The stockholders of Enron lost over $11 billion due to the irresponsible actions of Kenneth Lay and his crew of bandits (Suddath). The second person I started to talk to at the party was Bernard Madoff. Once upon a time Bernard Madoff was in charge of what seemed to be one of the most successful investment funds in the industry. In reality Bernard Madoff was not investing any of the money he was receiving from investors. Bernard Madoff was running a $50 billio n ponzi scheme. The revelation is considered one of the biggest financial scandals in the history of Wall Street. Upon meeting Mr. Madoff I would ask him about his illicit operations. What was different about your ponzi scheme? How were you able to hide the truth from investors from so long? If you had to do it again would you make the same decisions? Bernard Madoff wasted his financial intellect robbing people of their hard earn money. The next two persons I got a chance to talk to during the party were Milton Friedman and Adam Smith. Both these gentlemen have no association to the disgraceful scandals Kenneth Lay and Bernard Madoff were involved with. Milton Friedman has worked throughout his lifetime as an economist, professor, and author of many books. In 1976 Milton Friedman won the Nobel Prize for economics. In 1962 he wrote the book Capitalism and Freedom. Adam Smith throughout his lifetime was a philosopher and economist. He introduced the topic of self-interest into the bus iness world. â€Å"Today Smith’s reputation rests on his explanation of how rational self-interest in a free-market economy leads to economic well being† (Econlib). I would sit in a round table with both Milton and Adam to discuss the financial crisis of 2008 and ideas on how to improve the global economy today. During the financial crisis of 2008 the global economy hit rock bottom as the world entered into a recession that devastated the standard of living of billions of humans across the world. The banking industry was one of the parties responsible for the crisis due to the fact that they were making housing loans to people that did not qualify. The housing market fell and many Americans were faced with negative equity on their homes. Bankruptcies skyrocketed during the financial crisis of 2008. I would ask both Adam Smith and Milton Friedman if they thought the crisis could have been prevented. I would take advantage of this opportunity to speak with these two reno unced economists to discuss ideas about how to improve the global economy. An idea that I have that is aligned with the self-interest perspective of Adam Smith is imposing a global tax. The global tax would equal 2% of the gross domestic product (GDP) of each nation. The organization responsible for charging the tax would be the United Nations. The money gathered from this tax would be used to provide economic assistance to the

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Depends on the facility you'll choose Assignment

Depends on the facility you'll choose - Assignment Example autiful and greatly ornamented interior, complete with a carved white marble staircase; benches and counters of carved marble alongside bronze tellers’ windows, and hardware. Formerly the Crocker-Citizens National Bank (later absorbed by the Wells Fargo in the year 1980†²s), the building has extensively been remodeled (Hume et al., 2010).It initially housed an 11 story office tower above it and was enclosed in terra cotta. One of its very outstanding features is considered to be the rotunda entrance that is supported by granite pillars, and having coffered ceiling. The building was originally a â€Å"combination bank and an office building† it is currently considered to be one of the lavish banking interior within the city. By 1960 the building’s sandstone faà §ade was crumbling. So Milton Pflueger, redesigned the faà §ade for the upper floors. Again it was proposed that a new world headquarters tower alongside galleria further west on Post Street to be initiated, the city provided air space instead of the demolition of the upper floors of the building at 1 Montgomery (Robertson, 1879). The roof of this bank is currently a garden for the Crocker Galleria Shopping Center. There are little bats on both the interior and exterior of the window. Within the frieze are wolves, mountain lions and foxes. The animal sculptures look good but their meaning left to be interpreted by the designers. The steel frame building is architecturally clad in gray granite. Its massive pediment which is 38 feet high is held by six ionic columns. The designing and sculpturing of the building was done cities highly prolific sculptures of that time. At a particular time the front was graced using bronze doors. The doors comprised of the four panels designs that symbolized the â€Å"descriptive of the historical succession of the Californian races.† That is; Indian, Spaniard, American and the San Fransciscan. Though, today the doors have been replaced with glass. The inside of the

Friday, January 31, 2020

As momentum gathers Essay Example for Free

As momentum gathers Essay As we know from Act 1 John has committed adultery with Abigail Williams, at this stage Elizabeth has not forgiven him, sees Abigail as a threat, and does not trust John She has an arrow in you yet John  John does try to make it up to Elizabeth but is it only when they are both threatened with death/imprisonment that they both really show their love for each other.  JohnI will fall like an ocean on that court! In addition, when they are both in prison He pats her hand; she covers his hand with hers. Salems problems begin when Abigail along with her cousin and friends are seen dancing and practicing voodoo in the forest. In an attempt to get them selves out of trouble (as both are very sinful actions) the girls accuse others in the community of witchcraft. As momentum gathers, villagers turn against each other in a desire to save themselves but also use the situation in a vicious attempt to settle old scores. John having spoken to Abigail Williams before the accusations started knows that Abigail has lied, because when he told her that the town was rumbling witchcraft and replied oh posh! We were dancin in the woods last night and my uncle leaped in on us. She took fright thats all. John hesitates to speak out because he is afraid of publically admitting his adultery and the effect it will have on his good name and his relationship with his wife and friends. Here he is showing no goodness at all because he is putting his self-preservation above honesty and what he knows he should morally do. His fear is allowing unjust and untrue accusations to continue.  By the time he comes to his senses and tells the truth many people have been imprisoned including his own wife (who is there because of Abigail Williams maliciousness and desire to have John to herself) and some have already been hanged. It is too late to undo the wrong and too late to stop it continuing. John and Elizabeth are re-united in prison after three months separation and their relationship has changed. It is now honest and they both have more goodness. Elizabeth forgives John for his adultery by admitting that she was cold within the marriage I counted myself so plain, so poorly made, no honest love could come to me! I never knew how to say my love. It were a cold house I kept! You take my sins upon you She also goes against her strict religious principles and lies thinking this will save her husband but it has totally the opposite effect. John does not think he is worthy enough to die like his friends because he still feels guilt for his sins I cannot mount the gibbet like a saint. It is a fraud. My honesty is broke, I am no good man, Nothings spoiled by giving them this lie that were not rotten long before So he begins by confessing that he saw the devil but then Elizabeth forgiveness makes him realise that this is the wrong moral decision because it would be calling his friends liars. He will now die but has chosen the truth at last For now I do think I see a shred of goodness in John Proctor. Not enough to weave a banner with, but white enough to keep it from such dogs There is a moral story though out the play. If John Proctor had told the community in the beginning that Abigail Williams was lying before the situation had escalated I think the fate of the whole of Salem would have been very different. If he had not have committed adultery he would not have hesitated. He did not have the courage to be judged for his sin and as result allowed innocent people to suffer. I think that John and Elizabeth Proctor are heroes because they were killed for their friends and religion and were killed for something they did not do but still took the punishment.  To summarize I would say that John now has his Goodness because he has told the truth at last and Elizabeth feels she has no right to influence his morally correct decision in any way. He can therefore he can die a good man, with his conscience clear, ready to meet God.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Loneliness and Isolation in Baldwin’s, Here be Dragons :: Here Dragons

Loneliness and Isolation in Baldwin’s, Here be Dragons I am not a targeted minority and I have never felt discriminated against, but I certainly have found my self weighed down, unable to keep up, in the constant rush and roar that is our society. I have felt isolated and left behind by everything around me, and this utter loneliness is not something that is easy to deal with. This loneliness inevitably turns to self-hatred as I ask myself why I can’t keep pace with everyone else when they seem to be doing just fine? Reading James Baldwin has reminded me that I’m not alone, and that there are many ways to deal with the isolation one feels within society. For some, struggling to keep afloat in the mainstream as it rushes along is the most comprehensible way, but for others, like Baldwin, it’s easier to simply get out of the water and walk along the bank at his own chosen pace. In Baldwin’s â€Å"Here be Dragons† he addresses the issues of loneliness and isolation in many ways. In the end, he comes to the conclusion that everyone has a part of everyone else inside of him or her, much like a yin yang: â€Å"†¦we are all androgynous†¦because each of us, helplessly and forever, contains the other-male in female, female in male, white in black and black in white. We are a part of each other†(160). If we are all a part of each other, then we do not need to try to keep up with the current of society to stay connected with the world. We can go wherever we please, whenever and however, and never have to fear the loss of the vital links that keep humans human. In the beginning of his story Baldwin speaks of his young adolescence during which various men constantly take advantage of him. In this part of life he speaks much of loneliness. First, as he talks about those who are literally androgynous, containing male and female parts, he guesses at the â€Å"†¦all-but-intolerable loneliness†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (150) that they must feel at not being able to find love by being themselves for fear of humiliation at being so different. Later, he tells of his many encounters with men that appeared to be stereotypical American citizens looking â€Å"†¦like cops, football players, soldiers†¦or bank presidents†¦construction workers†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (153). These men would accost Baldwin in dark movie theaters and in the alleys at night begging or bullying him to take them to bed.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Titus Andronicus Character Study

What do we learn about Titus Andronicus in the opening to Shakespeare’s play? Our first introduction to the character of Titus Andronicus is by way of a speech my his son, Marcus, who represents the voice of the common people in the election campaign for emperory, declaring that Titus Andronicus has been chosen by the people of Rome to be the next emperor. He hails Titus as a hero, saying that there is not a nobler or braver warrior to be found within all of Rome. He is obviously held in great esteem by Marcus, who calls him ‘good Andronicus’, and ‘Renowned’ Titus. These descriptions of him using the positive epithets are powerful yet very simple to understand. He is portrayed in a very positive light, and is well respected within Rome for his many years of military campaigns against the enemies of Rome. He returns a hero, with a claim to the title of emperor. However, his successes have not come without great person losses, as we learn he has buried many of his sons on return from his various military causes. The first insight we see into his character is one of cruelty and vengefulness, when he rejects Tamora’s pleas to spare her first-born son and is the perpetrator of extreme violence, sacrificing him in revenge for the deaths of his sons at the hands of the Goth’s, her people. This view of Titus as a merciless killer starkly contradicts what we had learned about him from Marcus, who led us to expect Titus to be honourable and good and sets the tone for the play as dark and brutal. The sudden violence is a shock, and we see that there are two sides to his character: the much loved hero and the ruthless warrior. Titus has fought for Rome for 40 years, so is quite old by Roman standards and though he has been chosen by the people to be their emperor, he feels that he is not suitable to rule: â€Å"A better head her glorious body fits, than his that shakes for age and feebleness. † Here he is saying that he feels he is no fit to rule an empire as glorious as the Roman Empire, and relinquishes he claim to rule. This humbleness of character is a huge contrast from the violent nature we saw him display when he demanded the death of Alarbus. He asks for a ‘staff of honour’ instead of a ‘sceptre to control the world’ and favours Saturnine to be emperor in his place, as he is the late emperor’s eldest son, showing that he values tradition over the far more virtuous character or Bassianus. He then shows loyalty to the unlikeable Saturninus over his own son, mercilessly killing him when he stands in his way. This second brutal act because of his slavish loyalty to Rome provokes even the violent Goths to declare that they are not ‘half so barbarous’ as Rome. The ‘honourable’ Titus that we were first introduced to actually shows contempt for honour in trying to force his daughter to break her betrothal, and his wild devotion to Roman customs causes more harm than good, especially to him; he quickly goes from being the favourite of Rome to being despised by Saturnine because of the betrayal of his family. His actions seem chaotic and random, yet follow the ongoing theme of revenge, making ‘Titus Andronicus’ a revenge tragedy.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Impact Of Bipolar Disorder On The Development Of Self

I found the article, â€Å"I Actually Don’t Know Who I am†: The Impact of Bipolar Disorder on the Development of Self† (2008), by Inder, M., Corwoe., M.,T., Moor, S., Luty, S. E., Carter, J.D., and Joyce, P. R to be very interesting and very much needed. The research explored how one’s sense of self is impacted by the diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder (BD) at an early age. As seen in the study, the diagnosis had a major impact on the participant’s sense of identity and self worth. There was four major problem areas that were identified; â€Å"Confusion, contradiction, self-doubt, and self-acceptance† Inder, et al (2008). All of the participants in the study have indicated that these four critical areas were impacted as a result of being labeled with†¦show more content†¦However, what I did not realize at that time was that I was in the stage of substance abuse and experimenting. I ended up in this treatment center for rebellious behav iors after my parents divorced and other social stressors. My single mother couldn’t handle me at the time and sent me away via an Incorrigibility petition. I was admitted to an adolescent treatment center, where I resided for ten months at the age of 15. It was here where I was convinced that I was an â€Å"addict†, a label that I carried proudly for many years. While I do not regret my 18 years of â€Å"recovery† and I learned many valuable lessons, principles, and â€Å"a new way of life†, I do not believe that a teenager should be exposed to some of the things that I was exposed to. In terms of professionally, I now see how my own experience of being labeled, as well as some of my patient’s experience has negatively impacted them. I make it very clear in group therapy, that they do not need to identify themselves as an â€Å"addict, alcoholic, junkie, cross-addicted, depressed, bipolar, crazy† or whatever other labels they attach to themselves. I have come to understand that these labels, while practical in some settings, are more detrimental and I think they keep people stuck in a pattern ofShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Bipolar Disorder On The Development Of Self1010 Words   |  5 PagesBipolar Disorder is described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM 5) as a mood disorder with manic symptoms. Individuals with the disorder may swing between periods of depression and mania. Bipolar disorder has subtypes characterized by the frequency and intensity of manic and depressive episodes. Onset typically occurs when one is a young adult, but can often occur during the early teen years. 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